Thursday, July 24, 2003


Enviroment will be changing non stop, why worry? Just treasure what you have now... and when you lose it, treasure your new enviroment, treasure.... treasure... treasure.... because, already the replacements have been fixed. And there is one who never change, our God. Treasure him for he has already allowed everthing to came to passed. For a reason or another, for your lovely shape of heart. Build your relationship with Him, it is worth it.

Saturday, July 19, 2003


I am crushed, yet I am still alive.

The resistance is heavy... anyway, it is expected.

There is no turning back, I must run... or I will face the consequences.

I need faith to move on. Thank God that I am still moving on, at the moment.

Yes, I will pass this planet.

Monday, July 14, 2003

Light and heavy

A person is heavy when he/she is doing what he/she likes.

Do what you like and dun like. Here is the formula

Like + Dun Like = Light

Monday, July 07, 2003

Time management

Mr Tired, a sleep killer.

He is defeated in the bed time and now he target the timetable.

How many of us can manage our time?

Should we stop ourselves from eating too much vitamins?