Sunday, March 30, 2008

The New Life Series Part 4: What Is The New Life Series?

Before I start talking, just want to say some of you might find this post abit more spiritual than most of my other entries and normally I don't talk much about this topic in my blog. So if you are not a believer, just give me an entry to share this. I think once in a while, it's good to talk about the kingdom of God.

First, let me just explain what's my defination of my "The New Life Series?"

Defination: It's not about my old life but my new life in Christ and it's about my personal specific revelations of transforming the different pieces of my old life. (Example: Relationship with people, my family, my career and my personal life etc.) We read in the bible that "He makes all things new!"

So basically, it's just all about how I am going to lead my life and it's like encouraging myself through this blog. You know when I posted something edifying, it helps when I view it again and again! Of course I will not be talking about spiritual things all the time but any new thing we have in life is like a seed, where you want to plant your seed? So in other words what's your decision for your seed? Every new thing has the potential to grow like a seed for the glory of God but you have to make the right decision just like placing the seed in the right place so that it can grow.

One of the very important decisions we need to make in our life is to change our attitudes in whatever we do, to the beattitudes. You can change the way you think and you can change your attitude! Maybe all the while I have been doing all the right things for something but with a wrong attitude and that's the reason why that particular seed is not growing. Anyway, I need to sleep now and I'll talk about one of my "new things" next time!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The New Life Series Part 3: What's So Good About Becoming An IT Staff?

What a fruitful weekend, have been busy working and self study at night. Well basically my job deals with troubleshooting, asset management, AV job, abit of technician stuff and next time will be doing server too. That's why I got to understand the basic networking knowledge, so that I will understand the source of certain problems.

But I guess serving internal staff is much more better than serving the whole Singapore, like customer service. Internal stuff is more understanding and they don't give you difficult things to solve all the time. Anyway... talking about becoming an IT Specialist is one of my childhood dreams, I guess one thing cool about IT Staff is people will value your skill and normally you don't see alot of IT Staff in one company and so in the sense you are really their savior as you know today in our world work cannot be seperated from technology, the PC can affect your productivity and that's why IT Staff is cool to me but there is a price for becoming cool.

Monday, March 24, 2008

The New Life Series Part 2: My IT Career

Previously I was working as a Customer Service Executive and I guess it's time to move on and here I found my new job as an IT Specialist in Singapore Discovery Centre! Well... what's my goals for my career? Learn as much as possible and try to learn something more advanced like server. What else? Need to save up a bit for my University Education as well.

Wow... I guess that's a very good place to get some real experience but ever since after my Secondary Education, be it my further studies or career, most of the time will be on the west side and it's a bit tiring I think. Next time look around when you are traveling in the morning, most of the passengers will be sleeping and it's super quiet! You know why I said this? Most of the people will say the traveling time is good for reading but I guess for me is really depend on my mood for that day. If it is monday, I don't think so... monday blues!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The New Life Series: The Little Things

Well, started blogging about 5 years ago and now I just felt that the way I express myself is getting more and more personal. Is it good or bad? Who knows... I guess we cannot find a real answer.

Talking about life and myself, I guess the only difference is the matter of whether is it personal or not but I guess the similarity of both is about life.

So I just want to work more on myself in this year and I guess you will see me talking about myself more and more here in this place. I'm going to talk more about my personal life, dreams, career and lastly even my romantic vision for my future (haha... well maybe that will be abit later or maybe not.)

So now let me start, everybody has a dream and I think it's good but I dun think we should be over excited and forget about the little things we have in hand. I remember today there was a simple incident happened a few hours back, well I'm not the hero in the story but rather I felt that I am really unskilled in that area. What to do? Let's face it like a man (talking to myself), though everyone felt that I'm the hero but deep inside myself I know that before I can be the hero there's this little thing I need to settle. Just give myself some time (talking to myself again) and one by one I'm going to kill it!

Last year I had my greatest trial in life and why it happened? It's because of the little things were not settled at that time and it's only when I changed my thinking and now I begin to stand up once again and this time I felt I am much stronger than before and I know I have much to do now, to build up my life to a greater and higher level than before. I can already sense that indeed something great is going to come to my life in this year and I'm so excited about it!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Some of My "Under Constructions"

Well, for the opening of the team... it was terrific! Such a joy to announce that the opening is a success but all of us know after the opening there will be more for us to do.

So lots of things I need to work on and I'm not going to tell you directly hahaha... but here's the hint:

1. My Team (Currently with high morale!)

2. My 2nd Family Fellowship (Still got some room for improvements, gotto work on that.)

3. My Liabilities (It's in neutral situation.)

4. My Admin (It's in a critical stage!!!)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

11 March 2008 Excited about the cure or opening?

I have a team officially opening today, you won't understand how excited I am as I know today is a start of the destiny for us! Well but there is another thing in my mind right now, some incident happened within these few days in my life right now and I'm going to share a bit.

You know my heart is a bit excited right now, partly it is because of the opening but also there's something else and I don't know if it is good. A 100% change of my mood, it's really strange and I really don't know if it is good because it might not be something I want to do but something I feel like doing.

Finally my turning point is infront of me, should I feed my cure or not? I really don't know but 1 thing I know, I'm always honest in my blog and finally I can CHANGE MY MOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!

Updated on 10:18am:

You know what my hair is standing now, really wondering what's happening to me??? Time to be a man! Yea... Eunice I hope I can do it, thanks for tagging.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Boys Be... (A must to see, romantic people!)

Boys Be... one of my favourite romantic animation. Though it is an old animation and comic, but the story is very touching and realistic in life. I like the guy alot, think he is super shuai, of course I'm not a gay and I think Aki is a nice girl too.

My favourite episode is episode 4, therefore I'm going do a short intro in the episode.
Source: Boys Be... Japanese Animation
Part of The Review Description From:

Aki Mizutani is a fun-loving girl who had a crush on Tsuyoshi Ueno in middle school, but he was too focused on his photography to notice.

After they went to college, they didn't see each other again as they are in different school but...
On a chance encounter during the rainy season Aki met Tsuyoshi again, in the street, which dredges up all her old feelings.
No one can stop the flow of time.
...A picture kept inside the heart...
...Will always be there.
Deep within, the picture will be displayed...
...and it will forever touch the heart...
...Bitterly. (Taken from Boys Be... Episode 4 English Subtitle)