Friday, April 02, 2004

The sale

8 Days Ago @ School office, 1530 hrs

Female CS Officer: Yes?

Me: I would like to register for my course for next term.

Female CS Officer: Did you look for your consultant?

Me: Is she here?

Female CS Officer: *Pek Chek expression* What's her name?

Me: Lynn.

*Ring* *Ring*

Female CS Officer: Sorry... I need to answer the call, (Talking on the phone) Hello... Orgh... Ta Bu Zai... Ta.. Ta... Ni Deng Yi Xia Ah. Oei Richard! Not at her desk how to say ah in mandarin? Orgh.. Ok... Er.. Hello Ta Bu Zai Ta De Zuo Wei... Ah ok bye. (Hang up)

Female CS Officer: (Back to me) Okay... Nevermind... Tell me what course you want.

Me: Erm... I need to know more about this Developing interactive web sites systems module.

Female CS Officer: *Pek Chek expression again* Sigh... That's why I say you should look for your consultant.

Me: Erm... I've lost my Hp together with her numbers.

Female CS Officer: She is Lynn what?

Me: I dunno... Just know her as Lynn.

Female CS Officer: *Pek Chek expression yet again* What you know? Nevermind I'll call to the consultant department. (Talking on the phone) Hello Manny ah? Oei I got a student here... Looking for her consultant Lynn... Oh there is no Lynn here? Okay... Nevermind I'll refer this student to you... No! Ni Ting Wo Jiang Wan Xian! TING! He need more info for the courses... Ok? Bye. (Hang up) (Back to me) Ok now you proceed to the counter near the main entrance.

Counter 2, 1540 hrs

Me: Hello!! Where is Manny?

Manny: Orgh Here here!!

Me: (Walk to him...)

Manny: So how can I help? Actually I think I should refer you back to the counter... Coz that's where you reigster for your course mah.

Male Consultant 2: Eh Manny... What happened?

Me: Nonono... Just now that lady told me that she dunno the course info... So... She refer me to you.

Male Consultant 2: Orgh.... Manny... Then you help him lor then transfer him back to her for course registration.

Manny: Oh... Okay. *Stressed expression*

Male Consultant 2: Manny... I got other things to do... you handle him okay? See you

Manny: Okay... *Stressed expression again* I also not very sure but it's obvious... something to do with the web.

Me: Ic... (Of course la...)

Manny: Ok nevermind I'll help you to register... give me your name please.

Me: Emil

Manny: Why can't I find your account... Student Id please...

After a while...

Manny: Sorry... I'm not good at course registration.. Let's wait for SOS. Btw you going for degree?

Me: Need to go for NS... Chu Lai Zai Jiang Lor...

Manny: Orghh... I thought you finish your NS liao so fit sia *Dissapointed expression* Your consultant is gone... Now anything you can find me... Poor me.. now need to handle her rubbish.

Me: (What rubbish? I am some sort of sale passing around like a basketball)

Manny: Hey Linda! Help! You know how to handle course registration?

Linda: Ya its easy... You Blah Blah.... Then can liao

Manny: Linda... Bu Yao Zou Leh... Pei Wo... Sigh... Cham liao...

Linda: K Manny.. I'll help you... Hey student... Which module you want? Just tell me and I'll help you to register. It is better for you to take the modules for fresh students.

Me: What's the diffrence?

Linda: Your classmate knowledge will be the same as you.

Me: Oh... classmate..

Linda: Arbo then.. Monkey ah?

Me: Okay I want this module...

Linda: Manny... Give him a call when the registration is done... that's all... you can go now.

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