Sunday, September 11, 2005

Deeper into my 20s

I am trying to figure out something, I am always a little diffrent from others... as in my learning speed it's not those fast type. Okie.. let me get straight to the point, I might be slow compared to others but at least... I can say that I am a very true person, as in I'm true to people. I'm shock to see the people around me treat love so lightly and people treat their gifts so lightly when they have them.

I need to learn this too.. I might be true to people, but not to everything, with hardwork I know I can do all things.. through christ and I really hope that I can continue to treat everyone with a true heart and I know I need to improve on the way I handle things, doing things etc.

Hopefully after I POP... I will do things more seriously, I know... someone will be watching my every action. So.. I really hope I'll never become those action kind of people, instead I wish I will handle things and my thoughts in a very mature and a very humble way.

I hope... the person who is watching over me all the time will appreciate the things I do more than how people look at me.

I hope.. I hope... I will never change... to be like those person out there. You know there are so many of them.. out there..

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