Sunday, September 18, 2005

A Heart That's Ever True

Dear Emil,

Remember, while Man perceives worth by surveying our external condition, God looks at our hearts. The best gift we can give may not have to be the most expensive, but it would have to cost us something. As in the Widow's Offering in Mark 12, the best gift to God exists in the little that we have.

While your grades do not reflect who you are as a child of God, it serves to aid you in knowing how ready you are for a musical ministry.
Press on! Because God makes us beautiful in His time and in His perfect way.


Emil, your good rhythm sense has enabled you to learn the rhythms readily. Do spend time exploring how you can integrate the rhythms and chord shades into your playing before moving on to AWD2.

Graded by Bernice Loh. (One of my sweet keyboard coach.)

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