Tuesday, March 11, 2008

11 March 2008 Excited about the cure or opening?

I have a team officially opening today, you won't understand how excited I am as I know today is a start of the destiny for us! Well but there is another thing in my mind right now, some incident happened within these few days in my life right now and I'm going to share a bit.

You know my heart is a bit excited right now, partly it is because of the opening but also there's something else and I don't know if it is good. A 100% change of my mood, it's really strange and I really don't know if it is good because it might not be something I want to do but something I feel like doing.

Finally my turning point is infront of me, should I feed my cure or not? I really don't know but 1 thing I know, I'm always honest in my blog and finally I can CHANGE MY MOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!

Updated on 10:18am:

You know what my hair is standing now, really wondering what's happening to me??? Time to be a man! Yea... Eunice I hope I can do it, thanks for tagging.

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