Saturday, October 22, 2005

3rd week of October

Okie... time for me to talk again... wow man... what a busy week... what a "packed" week. This week is quite a happening week.

I'll start from my job, I have young and pretty civillian supervisor. She's a AQSM (Assistant Quality Service Manager), she will be doing most of the things in the dept. Basically, we have to deal with three things:

1. SSS (Im dealing with the administration job for this sugguestion system)

2. WITS (Im dealing with the administration job for this project for officers)

3. Innovation (Creative invention from officers, basically I have to be creative in order to assist my supervisor in pushing this event/project and that includes creating website...)

4. Store (She is in charge of one of our TRACOM store too, and our office is inside the store... though she have another SA to run the store but when nobody is around, I have to help them to look after the store. So it is somekind of store assistant job.)

Most of the time I will be sending lots of emails, printing emails, file them in order and I need to attend meetings at times to do MOM (Minutes of Meeting).

Anyway... It's a rojak job scope, or you can call it "General Work". At times I need to carry things, sell things in carnival or other events at outdoor, you know what? That means, I might need to go back on weekends! But luckily we can claim our OT.

Well my sis say something about she's so call the pianist for the chinese baptism service, and you know what? I'm the backup of chinese baptism, from the day I baptise till now I have been singing for chinese baptism service anually. Haha... I'm quite happy today, the baptism service is fun. Have been singing from morning till evening, leading worship tomorrow... think I'll continue my happening things some other day. Goodnight.

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