Reason for cutting down on blogging
Intresting blog on the topic of fasting. Overview of fasting: biological, spiritual, things to note/tips etc. Do read if you have the time =)
Think you guys realized I have not been blogging very often and today I just want to explain why and what happened to me ever since from the previous post of my blog?
Reason for cutting down on blogging:
Getting quite busy
I have been very busy recently and we always say this in church, "Tired people change the world." That I think it is a good reason!
But do note:
1. The beauty of blogging is:
We can express fully what we want and I'll try to do that as much as possible when I have the time. (I'll at least do a post in a month)
2. Events highlights:
Most of the time you can find it in my FB through Pictures and Sharings/comments
3. Updates & Self expression:
Well when I'm busy I'll express and update in FB and Tweeter with a simplified one line format
What kind of life will you be living 10 years down the road? We won't know, nevertherless we can always do our best to live out our very unique new life in the years to come! This is my life, my road, my Days@BlackRoad to new life.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Care Less For Our Face
Last week went to Jurong West and Heart of God for Oct Morning/Evening Prayer. Well recently really have a very tight schedule, lots of OT and stuffs to work on.
Well.. for tonight I just want to share some simple things that touched my heart abit just a moment ago. Went for a wake svc and the Pastor told us how he realized his uniqueness and value in God. For me... I have that kind of similar revelation not long ago and it's really one of the key to live a stable life.
Gotto stand firm for yourself, on your value on God... You don't need to worry what others are thinking, just be in the light and speak the truth in love. Don't keep things to yourself and act like nothing happened! Humble yourself as we are all sinners and there's really nothing great about us! Just careless about your face and I guarantee you will have a bigger heart to take more than what you can take and to be a person that will be in the light to stand up/speak up for the truth.
So if there's something you think you need to express and it's the right thing to do in the eyes of God, just do it... care less about your face!
Last week went to Jurong West and Heart of God for Oct Morning/Evening Prayer. Well recently really have a very tight schedule, lots of OT and stuffs to work on.
Well.. for tonight I just want to share some simple things that touched my heart abit just a moment ago. Went for a wake svc and the Pastor told us how he realized his uniqueness and value in God. For me... I have that kind of similar revelation not long ago and it's really one of the key to live a stable life.
Gotto stand firm for yourself, on your value on God... You don't need to worry what others are thinking, just be in the light and speak the truth in love. Don't keep things to yourself and act like nothing happened! Humble yourself as we are all sinners and there's really nothing great about us! Just careless about your face and I guarantee you will have a bigger heart to take more than what you can take and to be a person that will be in the light to stand up/speak up for the truth.
So if there's something you think you need to express and it's the right thing to do in the eyes of God, just do it... care less about your face!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
10 Oct 2009 Saturday
What's 10 Oct 2009 to you? For me.. It's a busy day.
Started the day with a wedding service and then rushed to my own service at expo. Then at night had dinner with cell group followed by a birthday celebration at the maska pub and after that joined my cell group for a midnight movie "500 Days of Summer".
To me... 10 Oct 2009 is a busy yet fruitful day, I did something I wanted to do, today... though it's because I have to. Sounds confusing huh? Well.. you interpret that... but for now I know I don't need to do it again as I'm done with one of my checklist of life. Time to move on to greater things.
What's 10 Oct 2009 to you? For me.. It's a busy day.
Started the day with a wedding service and then rushed to my own service at expo. Then at night had dinner with cell group followed by a birthday celebration at the maska pub and after that joined my cell group for a midnight movie "500 Days of Summer".
To me... 10 Oct 2009 is a busy yet fruitful day, I did something I wanted to do, today... though it's because I have to. Sounds confusing huh? Well.. you interpret that... but for now I know I don't need to do it again as I'm done with one of my checklist of life. Time to move on to greater things.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Too Good To Take It Lightly
Last Thursday attended Overnight Prayer Meeting and Friday went to work. It's a memoriable night.
Well... recently I have been busy doing some career upgrade and I hope in the months to come I will have something good to post here. Anyway just felt that good things don't come so easily, maybe that's why it's good, it's too good for us to take it lightly and so I felt no matter what we are doing right now, gotto stay positive, gotto give yourself or even others sometime.
People need time to reflect, to recover and to grow stronger for good things.
Last Thursday attended Overnight Prayer Meeting and Friday went to work. It's a memoriable night.
Well... recently I have been busy doing some career upgrade and I hope in the months to come I will have something good to post here. Anyway just felt that good things don't come so easily, maybe that's why it's good, it's too good for us to take it lightly and so I felt no matter what we are doing right now, gotto stay positive, gotto give yourself or even others sometime.
People need time to reflect, to recover and to grow stronger for good things.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Sleepless Excitement
I planned to sleep early tonight but I'm just too caught up by what I'm going through recently. (Can't sleep.) I've been very excited recently as I'm close to a great great breakthrough!
Just look through the logbook of my life and I can really see the goodness of God in my life. It's amazing and I know it's only by God's grace. I realized something, in the lowest point of your life you might find it hard to see the end of a tunnel but if you never give up, you will breakthrough!
I just want to say a real man really needs to go through some tough tests to go to another level and right now I just sense that I'm going through another set of tests but this time it is not my lowest point of life again but the most exciting part of my life. It's another season, a season to step out, a season to take risk and a season of hardwork! I really really hope that I can reveal it very very soon to you guys, so guys... do say a prayer for me and let us be an encouragement to one another through our daily life. Jia you everyone! I'll hear your breakthrough news soon =)
I planned to sleep early tonight but I'm just too caught up by what I'm going through recently. (Can't sleep.) I've been very excited recently as I'm close to a great great breakthrough!
Just look through the logbook of my life and I can really see the goodness of God in my life. It's amazing and I know it's only by God's grace. I realized something, in the lowest point of your life you might find it hard to see the end of a tunnel but if you never give up, you will breakthrough!
I just want to say a real man really needs to go through some tough tests to go to another level and right now I just sense that I'm going through another set of tests but this time it is not my lowest point of life again but the most exciting part of my life. It's another season, a season to step out, a season to take risk and a season of hardwork! I really really hope that I can reveal it very very soon to you guys, so guys... do say a prayer for me and let us be an encouragement to one another through our daily life. Jia you everyone! I'll hear your breakthrough news soon =)
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Last Cell Group Meeting in E254
Last week was a great Morning Prayer/Evening Prayer week for August. I went to three different premises: Jurong West, Riverwalk and Heart of God as I have cleared some annual leaves last week.
Just finished my last cell group meeting with E254 and thank God for this great cell group I have! About 3 years together and now one big group of us will be transfering to another cell group.
I just want to thank my leader Shixiong for his leadership and discipleship in my life. He has taught me alot of things from God that makes me a better person. 3 years in this cell group, gone through tears and joys together with everyone. Let's keep it up in life as we say goodbye tonight.
Last week was a great Morning Prayer/Evening Prayer week for August. I went to three different premises: Jurong West, Riverwalk and Heart of God as I have cleared some annual leaves last week.
Just finished my last cell group meeting with E254 and thank God for this great cell group I have! About 3 years together and now one big group of us will be transfering to another cell group.
I just want to thank my leader Shixiong for his leadership and discipleship in my life. He has taught me alot of things from God that makes me a better person. 3 years in this cell group, gone through tears and joys together with everyone. Let's keep it up in life as we say goodbye tonight.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
His will for My Church, My Life and My Nation (2 Days Left For Aug Morning/Evening Prayer)
I want to thank God for my pay increment and also for the 3 Annivesaries event. So what's the 3 Annivesaries? Church 20th Annivesary (Church Birthday), My Annivesary (My Birthday) & Singapore Annivesary (Singapore's Birthday just one day after my birthday).
I think I had my best birthday celebration this year, thank you guys for all the wishes and presents! Spent 4 days celebrating my birthday with different groups of people like colleagues, family and friends.
Well.. For this year's NDP, I personally like the theme song "What Do You See" because in life it's really about how wide and how far you can see and dream! Personally I sense something similar with the 3 Annivesaries, It's not just about My Church, My Life and My Nation but it's more than that.
This year in our church 20th Annivesary, I'm so touched by hearing what God is doing through our church and at that moment I realized something... you won't be satisfied with how successful you become but you can only be satisfied by God Himself! By getting closer and closer to Him with a heart for Him and to do His will.
Maybe you say everything you did now is for God... but do you really mean it? Don't answer that too fast... what if one day you lose everything? While it's good to dream big for God but for me personally (I'm pondering about this recently):
yes I think I should work harder, should be more successful but yet at the same time if all these things are gone, will I still carry out my purpose without these things? I guess that's one way to check your heart for Him.
I want to thank God for my pay increment and also for the 3 Annivesaries event. So what's the 3 Annivesaries? Church 20th Annivesary (Church Birthday), My Annivesary (My Birthday) & Singapore Annivesary (Singapore's Birthday just one day after my birthday).
I think I had my best birthday celebration this year, thank you guys for all the wishes and presents! Spent 4 days celebrating my birthday with different groups of people like colleagues, family and friends.
Well.. For this year's NDP, I personally like the theme song "What Do You See" because in life it's really about how wide and how far you can see and dream! Personally I sense something similar with the 3 Annivesaries, It's not just about My Church, My Life and My Nation but it's more than that.
This year in our church 20th Annivesary, I'm so touched by hearing what God is doing through our church and at that moment I realized something... you won't be satisfied with how successful you become but you can only be satisfied by God Himself! By getting closer and closer to Him with a heart for Him and to do His will.
Maybe you say everything you did now is for God... but do you really mean it? Don't answer that too fast... what if one day you lose everything? While it's good to dream big for God but for me personally (I'm pondering about this recently):
yes I think I should work harder, should be more successful but yet at the same time if all these things are gone, will I still carry out my purpose without these things? I guess that's one way to check your heart for Him.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I've resumed my various trainings (Physical Traning and some other skills).
What is the defination of postmodernism? You need to know what it means before using this word.
You may take a look at my Pastor's writting to learn more:
I've resumed my various trainings (Physical Traning and some other skills).
What is the defination of postmodernism? You need to know what it means before using this word.
You may take a look at my Pastor's writting to learn more:
Monday, July 20, 2009
I've cleared ICT2, went to work, went for my daily running and static workouts, got sick, doc asked me to stop my running and workouts for a week. Argh...
A male childhood dream is to become a superhero but a real man's dream is to be the Prophet, Priest and King. To be more like our HERO and to be a hero to our wife and our family.
So as to be a reflection of the true HERO.
Can I do it this time? Can I make a difference? We'll see... real soon we'll see.
I've cleared ICT2, went to work, went for my daily running and static workouts, got sick, doc asked me to stop my running and workouts for a week. Argh...
A male childhood dream is to become a superhero but a real man's dream is to be the Prophet, Priest and King. To be more like our HERO and to be a hero to our wife and our family.
So as to be a reflection of the true HERO.
Can I do it this time? Can I make a difference? We'll see... real soon we'll see.
Friday, July 10, 2009
A Female's Heart & A Man's Dream (Self Quarantine @ Home as KINS UNIT ICT 2 is suspended WEF frm 8 Jul - 13 Jul, as one of our fellow trooper is H1N1 positive)
So my ICT2 has ended early thanks to H1N1, these few days we have been doing shooting test, our tactical training and some law refresher lessons. We were asked to self quarantine ourselves all the way till next tue, my working day.
That means I'm super free, have been reading devotional (Have to regain my spiritual stamina)and watching korean drama series.
So what's the korean drama about?
A fat and blur guy became slim, good looking and famous after 8 years, he is the PGA Golf champion and wanted to take revenge on someone he loves but this gal he loves was someone who hurt him 8 years ago. In the end the guy aborted his revenge (as they were couple once again) but didn't have the chance to tell her that she ever thought of taking revenge for what she did and she ended up knowing it from another person.
Well this is the intresting part, she cried and told the guy that she has now understood how he felt and she said sorry to him, felling down on the ground she continued, "Now I can't forgive you, tell me... what to do now?!" as if she was begging the guy for an ans. - If you want to know the ending or the whole story here's the title "Oh Su Jung Vs Karl".
When I saw this part of the story I begin to understand more about the heart of a women, like the guy I felt so sorry for that gal in the show but it seems like it is too late to said anything at that moment. When the guy was back in love with the gal out of the sudden the hatred is gone and he realized how childish was he but he didn't have the chance to tell her!
Few Important Lessons For The Guys Out There:
1. If you really love a gal, you have to be quick to forgive or else you will end up doing something worst than what she did.
2. If you have something important to say to a gal, better tell her asap or else when she really get hurt it might be too late for you to say anything.
3. Gals are emotional being, so don't hurt them!!!
We guys gotto learn it through the hard way and it's never easy to be a good boyfriend. I gotto be sure of myself that I will treat my girl well, I really want to... you know right now at my age people treat me as if a sinner when they get to know that I'm single but am I ready? Do I really love that girl? There's alot of things to consider and I really dun wan to move too fast.
A Man's Dream?
Now enough about the sad thing and back to the show... that guy in the show spent 8 years to become a successful, slim, handsome, knowlegable and rich golf player,
people... there's no shortcut to success. That guy in the show spent 8 years!! Wow that's long.. but the motivation of his success is hatred. Let's see in the next 8 years what God can do through my life for His glory, let me be motivated by His love and I'm really not going after fame but if one day if I really become famous... let me decrease and let Him increase.
So my ICT2 has ended early thanks to H1N1, these few days we have been doing shooting test, our tactical training and some law refresher lessons. We were asked to self quarantine ourselves all the way till next tue, my working day.
That means I'm super free, have been reading devotional (Have to regain my spiritual stamina)and watching korean drama series.
So what's the korean drama about?
A fat and blur guy became slim, good looking and famous after 8 years, he is the PGA Golf champion and wanted to take revenge on someone he loves but this gal he loves was someone who hurt him 8 years ago. In the end the guy aborted his revenge (as they were couple once again) but didn't have the chance to tell her that she ever thought of taking revenge for what she did and she ended up knowing it from another person.
Well this is the intresting part, she cried and told the guy that she has now understood how he felt and she said sorry to him, felling down on the ground she continued, "Now I can't forgive you, tell me... what to do now?!" as if she was begging the guy for an ans. - If you want to know the ending or the whole story here's the title "Oh Su Jung Vs Karl".
When I saw this part of the story I begin to understand more about the heart of a women, like the guy I felt so sorry for that gal in the show but it seems like it is too late to said anything at that moment. When the guy was back in love with the gal out of the sudden the hatred is gone and he realized how childish was he but he didn't have the chance to tell her!
Few Important Lessons For The Guys Out There:
1. If you really love a gal, you have to be quick to forgive or else you will end up doing something worst than what she did.
2. If you have something important to say to a gal, better tell her asap or else when she really get hurt it might be too late for you to say anything.
3. Gals are emotional being, so don't hurt them!!!
We guys gotto learn it through the hard way and it's never easy to be a good boyfriend. I gotto be sure of myself that I will treat my girl well, I really want to... you know right now at my age people treat me as if a sinner when they get to know that I'm single but am I ready? Do I really love that girl? There's alot of things to consider and I really dun wan to move too fast.
A Man's Dream?
Now enough about the sad thing and back to the show... that guy in the show spent 8 years to become a successful, slim, handsome, knowlegable and rich golf player,
people... there's no shortcut to success. That guy in the show spent 8 years!! Wow that's long.. but the motivation of his success is hatred. Let's see in the next 8 years what God can do through my life for His glory, let me be motivated by His love and I'm really not going after fame but if one day if I really become famous... let me decrease and let Him increase.
Friday, July 03, 2009
A Recovery Rule? (Around 1 Week + Left For ICT 2)
It's my second bookout for my ICT 2 re-service training, I reached home at 10+pm and this week we have gone through alot of deployment/field/tactical lessons. We have an operation next weekend and therefore I will not be available during our operation. Well.. one thing that I didn't mentioned at my previous post is that lots of my colleague defered this ICT 2 training and our unit strength for this training is alot lesser than last year.
Talking about people... during my bus journey back to camp I've been wondering of something that I probably need more time to figure it out but I must say during this period of re-service, few things came into my mind and couple of interesting things happened. It's about relationship recovery and maybe I'll share it when I have the time. See you again when I'm back =)
It's my second bookout for my ICT 2 re-service training, I reached home at 10+pm and this week we have gone through alot of deployment/field/tactical lessons. We have an operation next weekend and therefore I will not be available during our operation. Well.. one thing that I didn't mentioned at my previous post is that lots of my colleague defered this ICT 2 training and our unit strength for this training is alot lesser than last year.
Talking about people... during my bus journey back to camp I've been wondering of something that I probably need more time to figure it out but I must say during this period of re-service, few things came into my mind and couple of interesting things happened. It's about relationship recovery and maybe I'll share it when I have the time. See you again when I'm back =)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Around 2 Weeks Left for ICT 2
Im having my first bookout and later I'll be booking in again. We have been learning 3 kinds of weapons and only given one day to memorize the mechanism of one of the weapon for the test on the next day. Thank God I passed!
I know tomorrow we will be doing tactical training and will be having my IPPT on this coming thursday! All the best to me ya? I'm having muscle ache now.. so gonna rest more.
We talk again next week when I book out again =)
Im having my first bookout and later I'll be booking in again. We have been learning 3 kinds of weapons and only given one day to memorize the mechanism of one of the weapon for the test on the next day. Thank God I passed!
I know tomorrow we will be doing tactical training and will be having my IPPT on this coming thursday! All the best to me ya? I'm having muscle ache now.. so gonna rest more.
We talk again next week when I book out again =)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
2 Days Left Before ICT 2
Took leave today to pack my training bag and to do a last pre training before In Camp Training 2 (ICT2). Last Sun me and my bro treated my whole family Subway! I'm quite surprised that my mum enjoyed Subway. Well.. my dad enjoyed the meal too and we really had a great time together.
(Away From Home From 25 June 09 - 13 July 09)
So here comes the Police KINS Unit residential/in camp training again and like what I've said I will not be contactable most of the time in weekdays (most of the time we have night training) and most of the weekends I can be contacted (guess I'll be confined in the last week of training).
I'm enjoying my last 2 days of civilian life right now and during Father's Day I actually did spend abit of time praying for my Re-Service as I really want to pray to my heavenly Father for protection and strength for the training. (Hopefully this time it will be like a resort life :p)
So new friends, like last year the house rule of my blog is you really got to say a prayer for me before I go Re-Service lol... nah joking... don't take it seriously k? But I'll appreciate your prayers. I'll update you guys shortly after my first book out.
"now gogogo!!!"
Took leave today to pack my training bag and to do a last pre training before In Camp Training 2 (ICT2). Last Sun me and my bro treated my whole family Subway! I'm quite surprised that my mum enjoyed Subway. Well.. my dad enjoyed the meal too and we really had a great time together.
(Away From Home From 25 June 09 - 13 July 09)
So here comes the Police KINS Unit residential/in camp training again and like what I've said I will not be contactable most of the time in weekdays (most of the time we have night training) and most of the weekends I can be contacted (guess I'll be confined in the last week of training).
I'm enjoying my last 2 days of civilian life right now and during Father's Day I actually did spend abit of time praying for my Re-Service as I really want to pray to my heavenly Father for protection and strength for the training. (Hopefully this time it will be like a resort life :p)
So new friends, like last year the house rule of my blog is you really got to say a prayer for me before I go Re-Service lol... nah joking... don't take it seriously k? But I'll appreciate your prayers. I'll update you guys shortly after my first book out.
"now gogogo!!!"
Friday, June 19, 2009
From ICT 1 - ICT 2 (1 Week Before ICT 2 25 June - 13 Jul)
Last week was a power packed week, the 3 days of Bible School were just awesome and thank God for His presence moving so strong in all the Morning Prayers! Well I'm just one week away from ICT 2 and I'll be almost 3 weeks away from home 25 June - 13 Jul, so during this period of time it's abit hard for you guys to contact me but I'll be available at most of the time at weekends. Gonna miss my bed.. haha...
Well... it's almost exactly one year since the last re-service and I must say I just felt I've yet again gone through alot but this time it's from glory to glory. I've experienced breakthrough in my career, vision, finance, relationship etc.. but the most important of all I know that it's only by the Grace of God. (I can get abit emotional while sharing.)
Day by day I need to lean on Him all the time, I have to... I can't trust on my own strength anymore.. my flesh has failed me again and again until I told myself I had enough of it... and I just sense that the windows of Heaven is open right now in my life. (lots of things is really happening right now.) I know that indeed greater things have yet to come and I believe it's going to get even better and better.
Last week was a power packed week, the 3 days of Bible School were just awesome and thank God for His presence moving so strong in all the Morning Prayers! Well I'm just one week away from ICT 2 and I'll be almost 3 weeks away from home 25 June - 13 Jul, so during this period of time it's abit hard for you guys to contact me but I'll be available at most of the time at weekends. Gonna miss my bed.. haha...
Well... it's almost exactly one year since the last re-service and I must say I just felt I've yet again gone through alot but this time it's from glory to glory. I've experienced breakthrough in my career, vision, finance, relationship etc.. but the most important of all I know that it's only by the Grace of God. (I can get abit emotional while sharing.)
Day by day I need to lean on Him all the time, I have to... I can't trust on my own strength anymore.. my flesh has failed me again and again until I told myself I had enough of it... and I just sense that the windows of Heaven is open right now in my life. (lots of things is really happening right now.) I know that indeed greater things have yet to come and I believe it's going to get even better and better.
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Training For Re-Service ICT2 (1 Day Before June Morning\Evening Prayer)
Got my cert for last week's course and I really enjoyed out of office for a week as it is kinda like a retreat from work. But of course.. it's still tiring as they really covered lots of things. This week I'll be attending 3 days of Bible School from Mon to Wed and not to forget it's our Morning\Evening Prayer Week! Already God is doing something in my life and I really believe that there's more on the way!
Think you guys know I'm going back for re-service 2nd In Camp Training and I really believe that it will be a smooth and easy one. I am currently preparing for my IPPT and the training itself. This morning I went for a run with Josephine, one round @ Bedok Reservoir, (just a maybe 5 Mins ++ walking distance from home) Took about 30 mins to finish the run and I'm impressed with my performance that I can finish it as I haven't been running for about half a year!
The next training will probably be the actual 2.4 training as I want to improve on my timing and of course not to forget my daily standing broad jump training. (my weakest item. Shhh...)
Got my cert for last week's course and I really enjoyed out of office for a week as it is kinda like a retreat from work. But of course.. it's still tiring as they really covered lots of things. This week I'll be attending 3 days of Bible School from Mon to Wed and not to forget it's our Morning\Evening Prayer Week! Already God is doing something in my life and I really believe that there's more on the way!
Think you guys know I'm going back for re-service 2nd In Camp Training and I really believe that it will be a smooth and easy one. I am currently preparing for my IPPT and the training itself. This morning I went for a run with Josephine, one round @ Bedok Reservoir, (just a maybe 5 Mins ++ walking distance from home) Took about 30 mins to finish the run and I'm impressed with my performance that I can finish it as I haven't been running for about half a year!
The next training will probably be the actual 2.4 training as I want to improve on my timing and of course not to forget my daily standing broad jump training. (my weakest item. Shhh...)
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
This week I'm on course and I'm quite happy about it though studying can be tiring but the level of responsibility is pretty ok with me.
I'm currently in the midst of preparing myself for my re-service which will start at 25 June of this year but before I get in, there's something I would really want to try and this thing will determine my destiny. I can't tell you guys what is it yet as I feel that it is not the right time yet but I really believe you guys will hear it very soon.
I got to go now, gotto prepare for that thing! But before I leave let me share a joke with you:
Relationship Theory Explained By IT Admin:
Single Life - A brand new system
Just got attached - Installed a brand new OS
Dating Period - As it is a brand new OS, encountered lots of system bugs! Maybe from Parents, Friends, Incompatibilities etc..
Married - By this time all the bugs should be solved as we can do some system updates from time to time but new OS is coming out very soon!
nonono... it's just a joke.. I really think we should stay focus in our marriage and purpose in life. Goodnight =)
This week I'm on course and I'm quite happy about it though studying can be tiring but the level of responsibility is pretty ok with me.
I'm currently in the midst of preparing myself for my re-service which will start at 25 June of this year but before I get in, there's something I would really want to try and this thing will determine my destiny. I can't tell you guys what is it yet as I feel that it is not the right time yet but I really believe you guys will hear it very soon.
I got to go now, gotto prepare for that thing! But before I leave let me share a joke with you:
Relationship Theory Explained By IT Admin:
Single Life - A brand new system
Just got attached - Installed a brand new OS
Dating Period - As it is a brand new OS, encountered lots of system bugs! Maybe from Parents, Friends, Incompatibilities etc..
Married - By this time all the bugs should be solved as we can do some system updates from time to time but new OS is coming out very soon!
nonono... it's just a joke.. I really think we should stay focus in our marriage and purpose in life. Goodnight =)
Friday, May 29, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Priviledge And Chance
Just came back from fellowship @ our city flyer love the world bar and I'll be back to our city flyer tomorrow night to celebrate my dad's bday. (by right is tonight as it is already 1.25am right now.)
Anyway... Just now somebody encouraged me and gave me a chance that I feel that it's a grace. It has really brighten up my day but I can't tell you guys what is it. What a priviledge... What a chance... I'm finally closer to my dreams!
I felt that sometimes we have to gone through this similar experience to really learn to treasure something in life and to feel almost unworthy for something you take it for granted. In life isn't it the same? When we lose something that we take it for granted and somehow we got it back by grace, we have one last decision to make and that is whether will we take grace for granted yet again? I pray that this time I will never ever take grace for granted as it will determine my destiny.
Just came back from fellowship @ our city flyer love the world bar and I'll be back to our city flyer tomorrow night to celebrate my dad's bday. (by right is tonight as it is already 1.25am right now.)
Anyway... Just now somebody encouraged me and gave me a chance that I feel that it's a grace. It has really brighten up my day but I can't tell you guys what is it. What a priviledge... What a chance... I'm finally closer to my dreams!
I felt that sometimes we have to gone through this similar experience to really learn to treasure something in life and to feel almost unworthy for something you take it for granted. In life isn't it the same? When we lose something that we take it for granted and somehow we got it back by grace, we have one last decision to make and that is whether will we take grace for granted yet again? I pray that this time I will never ever take grace for granted as it will determine my destiny.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Dealing With Relationship
Recently I felt so burden to do more in relationship because we need to know something, lots of struggles and problems came from relationship. Well you might be saying you are too busy for relationship because all the hurting, cheating and all other dissapointments came from people but I say the more we need to deal with it and not to run away from it! (no matter what)
We need to know the right people in order to suceed in life, it's not how much you know but who you know. (how much knwoledge one can contain? That's why we have internet for Information Exchange)
I've fell from this area so many times and nearly gave up in my previous slip in life (which is the worst one) but in the end, thank God that I didn't gave up and here I am breaking through from the place I slipped.
Recently I felt so burden to do more in relationship because we need to know something, lots of struggles and problems came from relationship. Well you might be saying you are too busy for relationship because all the hurting, cheating and all other dissapointments came from people but I say the more we need to deal with it and not to run away from it! (no matter what)
We need to know the right people in order to suceed in life, it's not how much you know but who you know. (how much knwoledge one can contain? That's why we have internet for Information Exchange)
I've fell from this area so many times and nearly gave up in my previous slip in life (which is the worst one) but in the end, thank God that I didn't gave up and here I am breaking through from the place I slipped.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
After Standing In @ April 09
Cedric suggested I RSS Feed my blog and I have done it. So do subscribe to my blog =)
So after standing in for my exec for about 1 month, I really felt quite exhausted as I have been working in this kind of cycle continously for 1.5 months "5 working days with 1 Offday & 7 working days with 1 Offday" but at least my department is still surviving. I'm currently facing some minor problems in my current workplace but I'm not giving up that soon and I'll fight to the end as we know problems are meant to be solved! I guess I still have 1 more OT to go this Sun.
Anyway... I roughly have in mind what I want to do after my re-service but first thing...
Cedric suggested I RSS Feed my blog and I have done it. So do subscribe to my blog =)
So after standing in for my exec for about 1 month, I really felt quite exhausted as I have been working in this kind of cycle continously for 1.5 months "5 working days with 1 Offday & 7 working days with 1 Offday" but at least my department is still surviving. I'm currently facing some minor problems in my current workplace but I'm not giving up that soon and I'll fight to the end as we know problems are meant to be solved! I guess I still have 1 more OT to go this Sun.
Anyway... I roughly have in mind what I want to do after my re-service but first thing...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
If you are very into facebook:
Emil has analyzed own name and explored secret meaning of own name:
E: Enlightened
M: Mature
I: Imaginative
L: Likeable
This is exactly what I'm looking for in this year.
Enlightened for Education
A Mature and Likeable Character
Being Imaginative for Dreams. I'm not just dreaming.
If you are very into facebook:
Emil has analyzed own name and explored secret meaning of own name:
E: Enlightened
M: Mature
I: Imaginative
L: Likeable
This is exactly what I'm looking for in this year.
Enlightened for Education
A Mature and Likeable Character
Being Imaginative for Dreams. I'm not just dreaming.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter 2009 Special
Last week was an awesome Easter Weekend! Well.. just came back from dinner with my colleagues and not feeling really well right now cos I have problems digesting the food right now in my stomach. (So I'll make this post short)
I guess Easter is a season for us to be reminded about giving up the old for the new and believing that we'll have the power for things to come. That's just a very general way to say it for everyone including non-believers, one thing we need to learn from Jesus is to let go and let God.
Sometimes you just need to believe and confess, stop trying with your own strength as we human needs help! I don't know about you but for me I realize no matter how hard I try I will still be imperfect in someway and in this season I'm going widen my heart and let God move like never before.
Last week was an awesome Easter Weekend! Well.. just came back from dinner with my colleagues and not feeling really well right now cos I have problems digesting the food right now in my stomach. (So I'll make this post short)
I guess Easter is a season for us to be reminded about giving up the old for the new and believing that we'll have the power for things to come. That's just a very general way to say it for everyone including non-believers, one thing we need to learn from Jesus is to let go and let God.
Sometimes you just need to believe and confess, stop trying with your own strength as we human needs help! I don't know about you but for me I realize no matter how hard I try I will still be imperfect in someway and in this season I'm going widen my heart and let God move like never before.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A Man's Thing
Once again we are in the midst of one week Morning and Evening (April) Prayer for every alternate month this year and I believe I really need it as I really think this year is really a year of challange and of course I know I will be able to get over everything.
I guess pride and greed can be a man's greatest downfall. Well... for a man's pride, sometimes to admit that I'm wrong is really difficult and it is not as simple as saying it but we gotto mean it with our heart because what others did to you may not be right too.
But to me personally in life we really gotto forgive and admit our mistake, if someone that is dear to you somehow dissapoints you, it might caused you to become someone you are not and this is proven by the experts.
Now why am I saying all these things? Because by the end of this year I have a battle to face and I really want to fight for peace and leave with peace.
Once again we are in the midst of one week Morning and Evening (April) Prayer for every alternate month this year and I believe I really need it as I really think this year is really a year of challange and of course I know I will be able to get over everything.
I guess pride and greed can be a man's greatest downfall. Well... for a man's pride, sometimes to admit that I'm wrong is really difficult and it is not as simple as saying it but we gotto mean it with our heart because what others did to you may not be right too.
But to me personally in life we really gotto forgive and admit our mistake, if someone that is dear to you somehow dissapoints you, it might caused you to become someone you are not and this is proven by the experts.
Now why am I saying all these things? Because by the end of this year I have a battle to face and I really want to fight for peace and leave with peace.
Monday, March 23, 2009
To Face My Career Challenge 1st
Recently have been living a very occupied life and in the midst of all these things deep inside my heart I have a great desire to take this moutain of my life.
Besides physical training for my re-service, I have to stand in for my Exec once again and his is my direct boss. This time I will be standing in for about a month and I really want to believe for protection and everything's gonna be good. So most probably I'll talk more about life as I go on from here, reflected alot about life recently as people shared their experiences and thinking, so maybe I'll share abit next time.
Well.. I hope you guys are well and I long to hear from you guys again. Take care!
Recently have been living a very occupied life and in the midst of all these things deep inside my heart I have a great desire to take this moutain of my life.
Besides physical training for my re-service, I have to stand in for my Exec once again and his is my direct boss. This time I will be standing in for about a month and I really want to believe for protection and everything's gonna be good. So most probably I'll talk more about life as I go on from here, reflected alot about life recently as people shared their experiences and thinking, so maybe I'll share abit next time.
Well.. I hope you guys are well and I long to hear from you guys again. Take care!
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Goal Setting For Oct 2009
So what am I expecting in these few months? Will be concentrating on my Fitness as I am going for my re-service real soon. Can't afford to fail this time round as we gotto stay in another week for PT if we happen to fail our IPPT.
Well besides Fitness I guess Education is really important, infact part of the reason for being fit is for the sake of completing a training (or we can call it Education). So this year I'll be reading alot as I focus on Education and I really believe in prosperity in every area of our life. Therefore, I have lots of things to read up! Things of the spirit, things regarding my career, things regarding about character, things that keep me entertained and alot more! (Knowledge is power!)
I really have a dream in October and I really pray that I can acheive it because it means alot to me and I believe to my dear Friend too.
So what am I expecting in these few months? Will be concentrating on my Fitness as I am going for my re-service real soon. Can't afford to fail this time round as we gotto stay in another week for PT if we happen to fail our IPPT.
Well besides Fitness I guess Education is really important, infact part of the reason for being fit is for the sake of completing a training (or we can call it Education). So this year I'll be reading alot as I focus on Education and I really believe in prosperity in every area of our life. Therefore, I have lots of things to read up! Things of the spirit, things regarding my career, things regarding about character, things that keep me entertained and alot more! (Knowledge is power!)
I really have a dream in October and I really pray that I can acheive it because it means alot to me and I believe to my dear Friend too.
Monday, February 23, 2009
2nd Recall Order
I just received my recall order for my re-service ICT 2 (In Camp Training 2). Didn't expect it to come so early but still I thank God that my unit training will start at June. I thought it is good to clear my ICT 2 first before I proceed with other stuff because I guess those things will take me quite a while to complete it.
I just received my recall order for my re-service ICT 2 (In Camp Training 2). Didn't expect it to come so early but still I thank God that my unit training will start at June. I thought it is good to clear my ICT 2 first before I proceed with other stuff because I guess those things will take me quite a while to complete it.
Monday, February 16, 2009
A Special Val Day 2009 Entry
Woohoo! Went through the Feb Morning/Evening prayer and I know deep inside my heart that I know I will experience a breakthrough this month. What a busy week as we have prayer, Val Day Special Cell Group Meeting and Val Day Svc 2009 follow by our single night! Well... dun worry in this entry, I'll be sharing with you how I spent my Val Day 09 and some of the things from my heart. I guess this year I'm going to change my writting style abit again (I talked more about myself in the year 2008) and you will not only see me just talking more about myself but also more about my social lifestyle or should I just say lifestyle? (We'll see...)
I spent my Val Day Eve with a 90% female cell group together with my 75% (I guess) cell group. My CGL together with another female CGL arranged lots of fun games for us but I think the fun part is actually when we guys gave the gals a surprise by appreciating them (all the guys are the waiters and I'm a walking ice cream topping machine! Nah.. just joking.. I am a waiter!)
Now let's talk about yesterday the actual Val Day, as you guys might know my church is right now in the middle of the relationship series and we are really blessed and equipped by that msg (seriously we really learn alot alot of things! It's really very practical.)
After that we went to our single night outing and we talk alot about boys and gers stuff and really get to know lots of things from a gal's point of view and of course we learn alot from our fellow brothers too!
Well here are some of the photo highlights:

Let me just end with an ans to a question that recently I received from few of my friends. Well the question is, when I'm going to get attached? Or Do I currently have any aim? Let me just say that I'm still getting ready (no aim yet) and at the same time looking around. (This feb I have a big day and probably after that I can spent more time thinking about my romantic life) You know.. I'm actually a very faithful person but then I dunno how to express it and I always express it in an opposite way and like what we learnt in the val day msg, communication is the key of life and I guess I used to be someone that will keep things to myself. I believe I'm no longer like this anymore haha.. you know people do change but anyway... practice makes perfect and I don't want to go deep into that topic but ya... getting ready (no aim yet) and looking around but I'll clear my big day first before I do anything.
When I'm ready... I'll just go for it.. fast and sharp and things will just happen in an instance perheps :)
Monday, February 09, 2009
A Suggestion To Success (Few Hours Before Feb Morning/Evening Prayer)
Will be going for Morning Prayer at our Jurong church in a few hours time and I really believe that this month will be a month of breakthrough as I really have something very important to work on. Well this time round for our prayer week, we have Evening Prayer too for people who cannot make it on morning. This time round for Morning Prayer still we will have 3 premises with our Affliate Churches: Heart Of God Church @ Paya Lebar, Church Of Singapore at Kreta Ayer People's Theatre and our very own City Harvest Church @ Jurong. For evening prayer, we have 2 premises: our City Harvest Church @ Jurong and Riverwalk (a place for us to have Bible Classes and Prayer).
I really believe that prayer is the key to success in the area of finance as ideas from heaven will just come as the Holy Spirit speaks and that means we can't stay there and do nothing if we want to be rich.
Few people in this season told me similar things that make sense, if you want to be rich there's a few ways:
1. Business
2. Stock Market
3. Property
and these things required creativity! There is risk for creativity but if you want to be rich you need to be like God as He is a creative God. You can work all your life and save all your life but if you afraid to risk for creativity, you are going live a life of regret. Do you agree?
Will be going for Morning Prayer at our Jurong church in a few hours time and I really believe that this month will be a month of breakthrough as I really have something very important to work on. Well this time round for our prayer week, we have Evening Prayer too for people who cannot make it on morning. This time round for Morning Prayer still we will have 3 premises with our Affliate Churches: Heart Of God Church @ Paya Lebar, Church Of Singapore at Kreta Ayer People's Theatre and our very own City Harvest Church @ Jurong. For evening prayer, we have 2 premises: our City Harvest Church @ Jurong and Riverwalk (a place for us to have Bible Classes and Prayer).
I really believe that prayer is the key to success in the area of finance as ideas from heaven will just come as the Holy Spirit speaks and that means we can't stay there and do nothing if we want to be rich.
Few people in this season told me similar things that make sense, if you want to be rich there's a few ways:
1. Business
2. Stock Market
3. Property
and these things required creativity! There is risk for creativity but if you want to be rich you need to be like God as He is a creative God. You can work all your life and save all your life but if you afraid to risk for creativity, you are going live a life of regret. Do you agree?
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
First Challenge @ Feb 09
Just want to thank God for the bonus I received, I'm impressed with the amount as it is recession now. The first challenge of the year is not how much I'm going to receive but is is something else and this thing will determine my direction for the next few months.
Guess you can feel how important is this thing as I kick off the 2nd month of the year.
Just want to thank God for the bonus I received, I'm impressed with the amount as it is recession now. The first challenge of the year is not how much I'm going to receive but is is something else and this thing will determine my direction for the next few months.
Guess you can feel how important is this thing as I kick off the 2nd month of the year.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
CNY Holiday Trip @ 2009
I'm back from Malaysia! Once again I wanna wish you a Happy Niu Year. Thank God that it is quite an unforgetable trip. 1st Day we went to Ipoh and heard that it's a place for beauties, well... saw a few shop promoters from Ipoh and they are indeed beautiful haha..
2nd day went to the Malaysia last mining boat in Ipoh I think and then (the next two places we went were the places I went before when I was really young) we went to KL visited the very very high tech Twin Tower (The tallest twin tower in the world).
Then the 3rd day we went to genting highland, now the only thing I like about the place is the 17 Degree Celsius whether, the place is always packed with people and most of them are smokers. After that we went to Chinatown and KL Tower (heard that it's a main media station if I am not wrong).
4th Day we visited the pewter factory and then here I am home sweet home. Well.. how about the food during the trip? I think we only have one unforgetable super nice meal which is the Ipoh's towgay chicken! Oh.. ya the hotel, the first hotel which is in Ipoh was okay (a 4 star hotel) but the 2nd one (a 5 star hotel) was excellent just that the service is not that perfect.
During the trip, really enjoy the presence of my fellow tourmates but I guess I can be a better tourmate though. Which means that I have lots to improve in the area of relationship and also during the trip I've been thinking and thinking alot about which part of my life is getting wrong and things like that. I guess lots of things came to my mind, my past failures and mistakes, I guess I kinda have a rough idea of how to move on in the area of relationship and career in 2009. I spent some time praying and crying out for breakthrough and somehow I have the peace that though I acheived quite abit in 2008 but 2009 will be the best year yet in life!
I pray that you will have that kind of peace too in life. :)
I'm back from Malaysia! Once again I wanna wish you a Happy Niu Year. Thank God that it is quite an unforgetable trip. 1st Day we went to Ipoh and heard that it's a place for beauties, well... saw a few shop promoters from Ipoh and they are indeed beautiful haha..
2nd day went to the Malaysia last mining boat in Ipoh I think and then (the next two places we went were the places I went before when I was really young) we went to KL visited the very very high tech Twin Tower (The tallest twin tower in the world).
Then the 3rd day we went to genting highland, now the only thing I like about the place is the 17 Degree Celsius whether, the place is always packed with people and most of them are smokers. After that we went to Chinatown and KL Tower (heard that it's a main media station if I am not wrong).
4th Day we visited the pewter factory and then here I am home sweet home. Well.. how about the food during the trip? I think we only have one unforgetable super nice meal which is the Ipoh's towgay chicken! Oh.. ya the hotel, the first hotel which is in Ipoh was okay (a 4 star hotel) but the 2nd one (a 5 star hotel) was excellent just that the service is not that perfect.
During the trip, really enjoy the presence of my fellow tourmates but I guess I can be a better tourmate though. Which means that I have lots to improve in the area of relationship and also during the trip I've been thinking and thinking alot about which part of my life is getting wrong and things like that. I guess lots of things came to my mind, my past failures and mistakes, I guess I kinda have a rough idea of how to move on in the area of relationship and career in 2009. I spent some time praying and crying out for breakthrough and somehow I have the peace that though I acheived quite abit in 2008 but 2009 will be the best year yet in life!
I pray that you will have that kind of peace too in life. :)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Happy CNY 2009
All right now... in a few hours time we will be going to Ipoh, KL, Genting and back to KL once again. I will not be contactable during this period of time, (don't want to be distracted with the things of our island city) so I'll be back on Tue night and hopefully I can share more about the trip in my next post. So I'll wish you guys in advance HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR, we will prosper in all things as our soul prosper this year in 2009!
All right now... in a few hours time we will be going to Ipoh, KL, Genting and back to KL once again. I will not be contactable during this period of time, (don't want to be distracted with the things of our island city) so I'll be back on Tue night and hopefully I can share more about the trip in my next post. So I'll wish you guys in advance HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR, we will prosper in all things as our soul prosper this year in 2009!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
How Hard It Should Be?
well well well.... Chinese New Year (CNY) is approaching and this year I hope you will have a unique CNY like me. Haha.. this year I'll be going to Malaysia for CNY yet again but this time is for holiday and we will not be visiting our relative. So... I think it will really be fun as it is our first time going for holiday at CNY.
All right.. so how are you guys recently? Haven't really have a heart to heart talk with you guys for a while as life is getting more and more busy just like most of the people around my life. For me.. I've been trying very very hard in life for breakthrough and sometimes things just don't work out well and we just got to accept it. That's part of our life, we just got deal with failure very often in life and recently I've been thinking how hard should I try? Or how hard should I try before I gave up? But after a few secs the word "give up" will always be erased from my mind, I mean in life especially this season after breaking through so much and now I'm going to give up? No way! It's a no way out thing... I will never give up and I will keep on trying, keep on trying...
well well well.... Chinese New Year (CNY) is approaching and this year I hope you will have a unique CNY like me. Haha.. this year I'll be going to Malaysia for CNY yet again but this time is for holiday and we will not be visiting our relative. So... I think it will really be fun as it is our first time going for holiday at CNY.
All right.. so how are you guys recently? Haven't really have a heart to heart talk with you guys for a while as life is getting more and more busy just like most of the people around my life. For me.. I've been trying very very hard in life for breakthrough and sometimes things just don't work out well and we just got to accept it. That's part of our life, we just got deal with failure very often in life and recently I've been thinking how hard should I try? Or how hard should I try before I gave up? But after a few secs the word "give up" will always be erased from my mind, I mean in life especially this season after breaking through so much and now I'm going to give up? No way! It's a no way out thing... I will never give up and I will keep on trying, keep on trying...
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Approaching Black Road 6th Anniversary
Transition Part 4: Regrets
Just came back yesterday from our Malacca company retreat and I think it's kinda tiring to be honest but other than that It's quite fun. Well reached home at about 12am in the midnight and then straight away go back to work this morning. It's the last part of the topic "Transition" and probably after this will talk more about what I have posted previously about that 3 things I want to focus for this year.
Talking about my transition period, you will find that I'll always have a picture of regrets deep inside my mind (if you can see it) but then again, if I don't give myself some "rooms" for regrets then I'll probably end my life with regrets. A smart employer will look for someone who failed and never gave up and similarly God is not looking for a perfect person or people who is afraid to take risk but someone who will keep on trying despite of failure.
Yesterday after the Malacca trip, I took cab home and I've really learnt something important that day from the driver! He was telling me that he didn't really plan his life well and do the thing he really wanted to do. Now, he's living a life of ultimate regrets as he is currently in his senior period of life and he told me again and again with a very very serious warning tone about the importance of planning at my age.
Well, now let me recall 6 years of blogging... so much sorrows and regrets were written but I really believe that all these things will only serve as a kind of strength/hope for something greater that is going to happen in my life in the year 2009 and the years to come. I wish you all the best too for this year in 2009... come let's breakthrough!
Transition Part 4: Regrets
Just came back yesterday from our Malacca company retreat and I think it's kinda tiring to be honest but other than that It's quite fun. Well reached home at about 12am in the midnight and then straight away go back to work this morning. It's the last part of the topic "Transition" and probably after this will talk more about what I have posted previously about that 3 things I want to focus for this year.
Talking about my transition period, you will find that I'll always have a picture of regrets deep inside my mind (if you can see it) but then again, if I don't give myself some "rooms" for regrets then I'll probably end my life with regrets. A smart employer will look for someone who failed and never gave up and similarly God is not looking for a perfect person or people who is afraid to take risk but someone who will keep on trying despite of failure.
Yesterday after the Malacca trip, I took cab home and I've really learnt something important that day from the driver! He was telling me that he didn't really plan his life well and do the thing he really wanted to do. Now, he's living a life of ultimate regrets as he is currently in his senior period of life and he told me again and again with a very very serious warning tone about the importance of planning at my age.
Well, now let me recall 6 years of blogging... so much sorrows and regrets were written but I really believe that all these things will only serve as a kind of strength/hope for something greater that is going to happen in my life in the year 2009 and the years to come. I wish you all the best too for this year in 2009... come let's breakthrough!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
2009 End Of Sowing
Hi, wish you guys a Happy New Year! I enjoyed the countdown and fireworks display, after that we went to satay club for some satays and beer.
So here we are in the new year and again I know it's going to be the best year yet! Personally I am believing that this year I will finish up everything I started in the previous year and proceed to the last part of my sowing season.
Let me share with you what's my main direction for this year:
To invest in these three areas
1. Education
2. Relationship
3. Dreams
Not much left huh? Yea I think so too but it's going to take alot of effort to complete the Phase 2 aka the last phase of my Sowing Seeds Season and after that I'll be focusing on one specific thing. Well.. how about you? What's your direction for this new year?
Hi, wish you guys a Happy New Year! I enjoyed the countdown and fireworks display, after that we went to satay club for some satays and beer.
So here we are in the new year and again I know it's going to be the best year yet! Personally I am believing that this year I will finish up everything I started in the previous year and proceed to the last part of my sowing season.
Let me share with you what's my main direction for this year:
To invest in these three areas
1. Education
2. Relationship
3. Dreams
Not much left huh? Yea I think so too but it's going to take alot of effort to complete the Phase 2 aka the last phase of my Sowing Seeds Season and after that I'll be focusing on one specific thing. Well.. how about you? What's your direction for this new year?
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